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“The Passion of the Catholics” The Movie


“The Passion of the Catholics” in “The Passion of the Christ”  OR


Friends, Family and whosoever fears the Lord,

     Please take time to read this, I Doulos D come to you in the name of the only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, exhorting you to earnestly contend for “the Faith” that was once (and for all) delivered unto the saints!  The darkest days of deception are upon us, and darker the days are yet to come.  IF the Lord is at the doors (and He truly is) then this is the day of a “falling away, waxing cold, lukewarmess, and not enduring/putting up with sound doctrine!”

    I write unto you out of deep concern, the love of Christ constraineth me, you may be the one to receive this, or one of the many who may not; the Spirit is definetly calling and they that are Chirst’s will come out, they will hear His voice and refuse to follow a stranger!  He that hath ears to hear, let him hear….

    I’m deeply disturbed by the way Churches (nearly 500,000 in America alone) and preachers have worked up this movie “The Passion of The Christ.”  I wanted to see it so I could know how to answer those who might have questions, but after viewing it for myself because of many, many Christians who said, “you got to see it!” “it was great!” “powerful and accurate,” I was really let down, disappointed and offended to say the least!  So to answer those who don’t understand why, and to give those an answer who keep lifting up this movie as the greatest thing since the actual event, here’s why:  


First let me say, the movie was more accurate than traditional depictions of the sufferings of Jesus.  People need to know, that what Jesus went through to purchase our salvation, healing, etc, WAS NOT a stroll in the park as it has been traditionally displayed with a dot of blood here and there, it was intense and very brutal according to Holy Writ!!!   And about the other only good thing about this movie was the controversy it sparked in people at work to ask questions, get them thinking and wanting to know more!



“The Passion of the Christ” The Movie


The Controversy


    With a movie that starts off with satan saying to Jesus in the garden of Gethsememe do you think you are able to bear the sins of the whole world, no man can do that, it’s too heavy; the real question that should have been controversial about this movie was not whether or not it was anti-Semitic; but rather IF it was Biblically accurate or not!!!!!!  Flags should have went up right away inside of people after the very first scene cautioning them to take heed how you hear!  No one that night, not Mary, not even the devil knew what it was all about, for the Bible declares in 1 Corinthians 2:8 “Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”  But where did this unBiblical scene come from anyway?  Did it originate out of the clever mind of a movie producer?  We need to understand that there is one of two spirits in operation here, “the Spirit of Truth” OR “the spirit of error.”  It came from where most of the other unBiblical scenes in the movie came from, from a mystic Catholic nun by the name of Anne Catherine Emmerich, who not only had other unBiblical so called revelations from the Lord which supposedly give us more of an account than Holy Writ, but she also experienced the demonic “Stigmata.”

Other unBiblical instances include:


 ERRORS in The Passion of Christ



     So what’s wrong with taking our liberty with the Gospel and spicing it up to make it more interesting to a generation who needs all these added special effects, thrills, chills and spills?  After viewing the movie I went home that night asking God the question:


   Line up a million people and have one start it off by telling the greatest story ever told and let him pass it on to the next one and to the next one and so on.  Will it be the same by the time it gets to the end of the line?  What if the early Church wasn’t faithful to deliver the message with 100% accuracy in the interpretation of “The Faith,” what would we have today? What if the Pastor preaches Sunday morning and only 15% of the sermon is truth and 85% of it is error, suggestive?  If it’s not really important to be accurate, even with Bible translations, then let’s all throw away our Bibles and buy a New World Translation Jehovah Witness translation of the Bible! IF Jesus wasn’t 100% in fulfilling the prophecies concerning Himself then He would not be the Messiah, and IF we don’t speak the Word faithfully, not handling the Word of God deceitfully, we could very well be presenting another Jesus in whom we think is salvation, but is really deception!  I wondered if Peter, James, John, Paul and other first century Christians had seen this movie by Mel Gibson what would they think, they would have no doubt said “Anathema, Anathema, Anathema!  This IS NOT the Gospel that we preached unto you!”

    If were going to watch a movie, let’s watch a movie; but IF we’re talking about the Holy things of God, then let’s treat them as the Holy things of God and strive to be 100% Biblically accurate in it’s interpretation!  This movie indeed was roughly 15% truth and 85% error, very liberal with the Gospel and people are left with not knowing what to believe, what was truth?  What is truth?  They leave believing that all that was in the Bible, word for word, after all those who are in “Christian leadership” are praising it:



    That very same weekend that I saw the movie, other so called “Jesus” movies were playing on TV, “The Last Temptation of Christ” which was very demonic in it’s interpretation of what happened, and another poorly depiction of Jesus found in the movie “Judas” where Jesus seems to be just a good ole boy, wrestling and play fighting with Judas!  With all this confusion of the life and ministry of Jesus portrayed in these movies, people are left with not knowing what to believe!  Instead of reading the Bible for themselves to see whether those things were so (Acts 17:11), people use these movies to get their understanding; I actually know of someone who really believes that Jesus slept with Mary Magdalene.  And someone else said, “I used to like to watch the 10 Commandments every year on TV, until I read the Bible and realized that wasn’t in there and that wasn’t in there.”  It is important to strive to be 100% accurate because there is “none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)  And it’s not just a name, but one certain individual, one mediator between God and man linked to that name; It’s not a Catholic Jesus, a Mormon Jesus, a Word of Faith Jesus, or a Jehovah Witness Jesus, but a Scriptural Jesus where salvation is found!

    In all honesty, I was offended, because many Christians became martyrs in order to keep the faith pure!  How about you?  Does their blood mean anything to you?  And whether you want to believe it or not, you research the history of it, many, many became martyrs at the hands of Roman Catholicism, particularly the brand of Catholicism which Mel Gibson is seeking to restore in his California “church,” the one prior to Vatican II.


“The Passion of The Catholic’s” The Movie

    To justify their drunkenness with the wine of Mystery Babylon’s fornication (Rev 17), people have tried to argue “Who cares what Mel Gibson believes as long as he stays with the Bible!”  Does it really matter and make a difference what Mel Gibson believes?   Well, If you have a homosexual pastor who dedicates his sermons before Sunday morning with having sex with his partner, does it matter what he personally believes as long as he so called  “Stays with the Bible” reading it word for word?  Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel are not homosexuals, but in the same way dedicated and consecrated this movie with their Catholic beliefs and influences by attending “Mass” EVERYDAY!  So what’s the difference between Mel Gibson and satanic worshippers who pray over their music to have influence over the people?  You say the Bible, but this movie is only about 15% of that!  This movie is laced through and through with Catholicism, Vatican II, If you don’t convert by force, we’ll get you through deception!

Near the end of his long article, "The Jesus War: Mel Gibson & "The Passion" (9-15-03), Peter J. Boyer gives us this glimpse into Mel Gibson's faith:  

"I told Gibson that I am a Protestant, and asked whether his pre-Vatican II world view disqualified me from eternal salvation.

    "He paused. 'There is no salvation for those outside the Church,' he said. 'I believe it.' He explained, 'Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She's a much better person than I am. Honestly. She's, like, Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it's just not fair if she doesn't make it, she's better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it.”[2]

Apparently Mel Gibson's beliefs have changed since that interview last September. During his more recent televised appearance on ABC (February 16), Diane Sawyer raised a question about a scene in the movie. In the Biblical account, Simon of Cyrene, is recruited to carry the cross for Jesus. (Mark 15:21)  But in movie, Simon "interlocks arms with the bloody Jesus as they struggle to take the cross." Why?


"It's his brother," explained Mr. Gibson. "It's about another human being. We're all children of God. All of us! It doesn't matter what you are -- whether you've got a bone through your nose or whether you look like a Viking.... or whatever you are. We are all children of God." 


That sounds like universalism! Did he really mean that? A little later, Diane Sawyer asked him about his traditional form of Roman Catholicism, which opposed Vatican reforms such as "more inclusion of other faiths." Would Gibson's traditionalist views bar the door to heaven to Jews, Protestants and Muslims?

 "That's not the case at all," answered Gibson. "Absolutely not! It is possible for people who are not even Christian to get into the Kingdom of heaven. It's just easier for -- and I have to say this because it's what I believe...."

 "You have a nonstop ticket?"

 "Well, yeah, I'm saying it's an easier ride. I have to believe that."

Terry Mattingly shows us another angle. His religion column, "The passion of old words and symbols" (01-21-04), relates Mel Gibson's goals and beliefs to the Catholic Mass:

"It is crucial to realize that the images and language at the heart of 'The Passion of the Christ' flow directly out of Gibson's personal dedication to Catholicism in one of its most traditional and mysterious forms -- the 16th century Latin Mass.

     "'I don't go to any other services,' the director [Mel Gibson] told the Eternal Word Television Network. 'I go to the old Tridentine Rite. That's the way that I first saw it when I was a kid. So I think that that informs one's understanding of how to transcend language....

     "The goal of the movie is to shake modern audiences by brashly juxtaposing the 'sacrifice of the cross with the sacrifice of the altar -- which is the same thing,' said Gibson.

     "This ancient union of symbols and sounds has never lost its hold on him. There is, he stressed, 'a lot of power in these dead languages.' Thus, the seemingly bizarre choice of Latin and Aramaic was actually part of the message. The goal of Gibson's multicultural, multilingual team was to make a statement that transcended any one time, culture and tongue."[3] Emphasis added


To make a lasting impact, that statement would have to stir strong feelings. And through the years, Mel Gibson has proven himself a master at of using violence to evoke intense emotions. "It is very violent," he told Diane Sawyer. "If you don't like it, don't go.... I wanted it to be shocking. I wanted to be extreme... To push the viewer over the edge." Though he claimed that God was behind this project, he emphatically declared, "I'm a proud bugger.... this [the movie] is my baby !"


    I know many of you may be finding it difficult to put the pieces together because many have, as it is written, “have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” (Rev 17:2) but THERE IS a one world religion being prepped, Mystery Babylon!  Be not partakers of this wicked system!  Come out!!!!!!!!






Kerri Caviezel: "I pray that we are open to where ever Mary is leading us and that in all the places where we go and to the people that we meet around the world, we may bring these messages."

Jim Caviezel:
"This film is something that I believe was made by Mary for her Son."

The complete interview can be found here:




    Do we really believe that “the Catholics” and “the Christians” can use the same movie as a witnessing tool when Catholicism teaches that there is no salvation outside the Catholic “Church?”  Anybody remember someone by the name Martin Luther??????  Or his 97 thesis?????????????????

Pope John Paul II would have us all believe the following:

When the Son began his mission, Mary remained in Nazareth, even though this separation did not exclude significant contacts such as the one at Cana. Above all, it did not prevent her from taking part in the sacrifice of Calvary (Theotókos. pp. 18,19).

Just as Eve caused death, so Mary, with her "yes," became "a cause of salvation" for herself and for all mankind (p. 26).

Mary is queen not only because she is Mother of God, but also because, associated as the New Eve with the New Adam, she cooperated in the work of the redemption of the human race (p. 210).

On Calvary, Mary united herself to the sacrifice of her Son and made her own maternal contribution to the work of salvation, which took the form of labor pains, the birth of the new humanity (p. 234).

If you read THE DOLOROUS PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST you’ll see where Mel Gibson got most of the movie from.

Stations of the Cross


“According to Romanism, Jesus Christ died on the cross and purchased redemption and then delivered this redemption to the Catholic Church to be distributed to men piecemeal via the seven sacraments. Man cannot receive eternal salvation directly from Christ through faith; he must approach Christ through the Catholic Church, via baptism, confirmation, mass, confession to a Catholic priest, etc. The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was not once for all sufficient but must be perpetuated in the mass, which is called a non-bloody sacrifice. Consider this statement from the Vatican II Council: “Hence the Mass, the Lord’s Supper, is at the same time and inseparably: a sacrifice in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated … For in it Christ perpetuates in an unbloody manner the sacrifice offered on the cross, offering himself to the Father for the world’s salvation through the ministry of priests” (Vatican II Documents, “The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Instruction on the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery,” Introduction, C 1,2, p. 108).

The New Catholic Catechism of 1992 said, “The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice ... In this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and offered in an unbloody manner.” The creed of Pope Pius IV, which authoritatively summarized the teaching of the Council of Trent, stated: “I profess likewise, that in the Mass is offered to God a true, proper, and propitiatory sacrifice for the living and the dead; and that, in the most holy sacrifice of the Eucharist, there is truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In accordance with Catholic theology, Gibson identifies the Mass with Christ’s sacrifice. He told Eternal Word Television Network that the “sacrifice of the cross” and “the sacrifice of the altar” are “the same thing” (EWTNews Feature, Jan. 13, 2004, He depicts this in the movie by juxtaposing the crucifix scene with that of the institution of the Lord’s Supper”





      This movie was put out not for the Glory of God, but for the glory of bringing together a One World Religion one step closer!  Some may agree and many will disagree, I just want to remind you to take heed how you hear and be careful what we give our approval on, some have not the knowledge of God. 


Anyone who wishes to dialogue this subject please feel free to contact me, but only after you have done some research first, a background check of what Mel Gibson believes, Anne Catherine Emmerich and Mary of Agreda, the Mystical City of God and The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ!  OR



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